You've been coming to Connect, and now you're ready to discover more. You've come to the right place! At Connect 101, you'll discover more about Connect Church; why we exist, our purpose, our goals and what that means for you.

Who should come?

Connect 101 is for anyone looking to discover more. Whether they're a seasoned Connect church attender or a newbie who wants to know more about Connect. It's also an opportunity to get more involved and have ownership in what God is doing. Simply put, if you want to be more than a passive spectator and really get engaged with Connect and our community then this is for you.

What to expect

  • Lunch

Pizza, Coffee, and Tea & Water (feel free to brink a soda if you'd like)

  • One Hour  12:00PM - 1:00PM

Connect 101 takes approx. 60 minutes. 

  • Childcare is Provided

We will have a play area and staff available so you can get the most out of your time.

  • The Rundown

We get to know you better and you get to know us too. We talk through Connect's beginnings as a church, our passion and why we exist, and we lay out a framework for taking next steps and learning how to connect with others.