Do you want to see your friends and church family
grow in their faith as you take next steps together?
Host Leaders
Do you want to see your friends and church family
grow in their faith as you take next steps together?
Do you want to make a difference? We all do. Sometimes we wait for someone else to make the first move. Hosting a Group simply means you go first. You don’t have to be a theologian or commit every night of the week to be a leader.
If you love having fun, helping people take a next step, and celebrating life-change, hosting a Group may be just the thing for you.
Am I qualified to be a Group Host?
Hosting a Group is not about knowing all the answers. Once you sign up to lead, we'll make sure you have everything you need to be successful.
What does it mean to be a Group Host?
When it comes to conversations or taking next steps, Group Hosts lead the way. Group Hosts set the schedule and tone for their Group. Group Hosts stay in touch often with Connect's Pastor and Leadership so we can help you develop and disciple others.
How do I get started?
Click “Host a Group” and answer a few questions. We’ll contact you and help you get started.
What will my Group do?
At Connect, Groups form around common areas of life. Sometimes it’s as simple as this is the only day that’s available, or this is the closest location to me, or there are Groups built around kids or no kids, singles or couples Groups, or age ranges that fit your current stage of life. Hosts create an atmosphere of engagement at homes, restaurants, parks, or even use the church facilities. They study weekly messages together and encourage Group members to take next steps… The bottom line is doing life “together”!
How will Connect Help?
Connect will help you be the best Group Leader you can be. We’ll offer support, resources, training, and encouragement. Hosts are added to our online communication platform. It’s simple and easy to use. There you will be sent the weekly sermon notes, be the first to receive important updates concerning the church and be able to communicate directly with other Hosts to help offer support and fun and creative ideas.
Have More Questions?
If you ever need answers, feel free to contact us.